Sunday, April 3, 2011

We Were Colorful :)

Katelyn traveled down to visit Sarah this time!!! We went to the Festival of Colors with Will, Sarah's brother Tyler, and our friend Mike met up with us when we got there. :)  
The festival was mostly just a bunch of people gathered together to throw colored cornstarch at each other.  We had a blast just being together and getting all colorful.  After the festival we had many adventures like usual, including having to transport Katelyn to Sarah's grandparents house in a towel because the hot water was all out in Sarah's house, being in charge of putting Sarah's siblings in bed, and staying up super late just talking.

Friday, March 25, 2011


The only way we survive away from each other is because we can text. 

There isn't a day that goes by without us checking in on each other. Here is a glimpse into our texting conversations... 

Sarah: "Will you promise you'll do something at my funeral?"

Katelyn: "I will SING :)"

Sarah: "Oh thank you, that's all I could think about today, making sure you were going to sing!"

Katelyn: "I know babe, no worries I will definitely be there :)"

Sarah: "Oh you are bringing tears to my eyes"

Katelyn: "here is my sleeve...wipe those tears away..."

Sarah: "And my snot too? oh you are just amazing!"

Katelyn: "O of course, snot and all!"

We have such a loving relationship, can't you tell? :)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Long Weekend Visit

Katelyn and Sarah were once again re-united! Spur of the moment Sarah was able to make the trip up for the long weekend to visit Kate!

Immediately upon Sarah's arrival we headed to go bowling with a bunch of our friends.  We hung out and watched movies, and talked the night away the first night together.

We bummed over at our guy friends' apartment the whole weekend, so on Saturday we made a trip to Walmart and got the guys a few presents to say thank you.  We did a fabulous job at wrapping them up all beautiful in plastic shopping bags, and newspaper.  They loved them of course. :)

Katelyn had a date that night and thought she could get away with wearing her big clunky boots to it.  Sam and Sarah refused to let her walk out the door in them and convinced her to find a pair of shoes for her outfit...

She ended up settling on these Sandals we found on sale.  Doesn't she look just beautiful???

While Katelyn was out on her date...

Sam and I ate Subway sandwiches and watched Anastasia together!

We then headed back over the the boys apartment and made chocolate cookies from scratch, played a game, and watched Disney movies. 

When Sunday came Mother Nature decided to dump a butt load of snow on the car.  We headed out to scrape the car, and true to our luck Sarah didn't have a we used towels.  We had loads of fun trudging around in our heals and skirts, freezing our little hands off clearing the car of the snow.

Can you tell where the car was parked???  Luckily we weren't too late to church.

On Sunday the boys made us roast for dinner and we had a lazy day.  We did get out once to take a walk around the temple together! 

Thank you to our guy friends (you know who you are), you took good care of us this weekend feeding us and keeping us entertained, we love you!!!! :) We had an absolute blast together, it was really hard to say goodbye again. Don't worry we won't be apart for too long, another trip is already in the works. :) 

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Best Friend

They act like...

Your Mom...

Your Best Friend...

 Your sibling...

Your therapist...

Your Lesbian Lover...

Worst Enemy...

but most importantly, the person you LOVE the MOST!

Happy Valentines Day!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Texts, Calls, VISIT!

 Yes Katelyn and Sarah are still alive!!! But we are now living in very different places...

After lots of packing, and cleaning we headed home for Christmas Break in December.  We said our temporary goodbyes and on our way down from Logan attempted to take a non-blurry picture together...
These are all of our attempts at getting a half decent picture...we never got a non-blurry one but oh well.

Thanks to our cellphones we have survived these past 2 months away from each other through texts and very looooooong phone calls. :D

We had our first VISIT for a whole day!  Sarah didn't have to teach school, and Katelyn had a break from having to attend school.  Katelyn found a ride down to Provo and spent one Monday with Sarah!  After staying up until 3 in the AM talking the night Katelyn arrived, they woke up and started up Katelyn's new blog!!!


Then we spent the day on the town.  Yes true to our nature, we did end up getting lost at least once...but other than that nothing too crazy happened.  It was so awesome being together again.

We are now just trying to stay busy, and counting down until we get to visit again! We are once again depending on our texts, and phone calls! :)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas Card

 Finals week is tough.  Stress is high, and studying gets old really fast.  So as roommates we decided it was important that we loosen up a little bit one night, and take our Christmas Card pictures. 

We each found random pieces from each other's wardrobes...turned the timer on the camera...
 and just took picture
 after picture
 after picture
 until we couldn't come up with anymore poses
 and then we sat at the computer and went through billions of Christmas card layouts on the Wal-mart website
ordered them, picked them up, and hand delivered them to all of the rooms on our floor (which only consists of boys, if they didn't already think we were crazy they do now).  Then we all sent one to our families!

Merry Christmas! :)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


 A little while ago Katelyn thought it would be hilarious to tie Sarah to her bed using her robe...
Well little did Katelyn know when while she was gone in Wisconsin Sarah was busily filling her bed and drawers with Newspaper...

 Well of course when she found all of it her reaction was a little more than just this...

So she retaliated and did this...

Which made me do this...

Now it is war... yes that is the shower.